Wednesday, October 17, 2012

"Secret Notes" to share with my dear follower

90 billion
Belong to bill gates.  He never work for money, he worked doing what he like and the money automatically comes
20-30s no holidays. He enjoys what he is doing.
He is working for interest.

If u want to become rich u cant work , only become average, u have to enjoy what you are doing, you become rich.
Earned by one man who never worked he enjoy doing what he love to do software.

We ca learn..people work whole their life but nver reach, coz they just follow the system, ending up u become average. They dont have excitement of what their doing, if they can escape,

You have to look at your work differently from now, work:
Are u working because u need money or u enjoy the work?
People dont understand comes from family bcoz parent
Even if u come from that family, u can still change today.
We all can make our own decision, U have the power to make a decision!
This is why many people life do not change bcoz they do not want to make decision, biasanya dlm kehidupan kita org lain buat decision.
Thats why 98% becomes average. Bahaya bcoz the poor will get poor and the rich getting richer.

Sometimes we have to increase liability to increase assets.
Robert owned property he never use his own money.
Bank looking people who lend the money, they will lend u somemore.
Thats why he can buy 2000 properties...who pays? People who pay the rent.
U can buy brand new car and used the car to get more business.
Why are you buying this? Ask this to yourself?

The idea of becoming rich.
1. Security
3. Rich

If u ask the public, do u want to be rich, all said yes? Do u know that most people 98% they. Make security no 1 that why they look for job, sbb tu majoriti tak leh jadi kaya sbb cari security, slowly dari job jadi comfort...beli kereta...rumah...hutang getting higher..higher...but the time they pay all these they dont have money...they tell otherpeople comfortable.. But they actually make people rich..

Sepatutnya rich dulu..then comfort...then baru security..kita belajar di sekolah cari do you know u are realling become rich...90% people rich started from sales line, if you remain and becomes good...x cari for stable income..and then you build sales job..the moment you build sales job..u become comfortable...then when business developed you will become secured.

People do not understand, is not about your degree, but about your ,finance...billgates,,dropdown from university...because he knows..
Do u enjoy what are u doing...if public mutual...this is what make me help people dream big, dont take this is as job, it will fail!
I am suceed because i doing what i am dreaming...this is not work for me. Why u are not excited bcoz not doing what is your dream.
Work must connect to your passion!

Are you good in selling? Hoe good are you in selling? You have to become expert in your selling. The only way to be good in your selling...PRACTICE! Practice! Practice!

You sell not because of contest...because u enjoyed! Flow one after another...sales just keep coming...a lot of people when flow start coming, think u are good, we DIVERT...

People will fail because they do not recognize diversion.
When u are not rich yet, you have to keep the momentum!
Many people ask me, why dont drive car?
Unit trust, good car will inspire people...
In my case, my Bentley cannot bring crowd...i must have latest information
A good car is a must in sales, unit trust and insurance

Definition of rich is different from other people.
Subject : why is it so difficult for people to become rich, u must have a system to become rich, u must create system to become rich, they just dreaming to become rich.


98% people are average and only 2% rich.
Reality is what happening to you right now. The reality is struggling to sell, you like to do 1million, but u are struggling..its not happening..

A lot of people have clash DREAM AND YOUR REALITY
your dream is exciting..but your reality is .?????

The most important thing in your life is what u believe is important, in my reality, i don’t need PhD...I have created my reality... Your reality is truth what is real to you.
This is problem to sales people...i did not have reality to sell very order to be Goodman selling , change my reality,, i am good
When reality changes....your life change!

When u find someone doing suddenly doing very well... Reality change!
What is the definition of rich? Your definition of rich.

Do not allow other people to interfere with
Easily accept criticism...don’t get controlled by other people
Rich , is my income growing ...and growing every year?

Who are your role model?
My dream is to compete with, you want to raise least reach that
I will take the person in this company as challenged?

When u follow role model.. Cannot follow 100%...who are you competing with?
What are the. Books you are reading, life changes when u reality changes...

The more you put yourself down..imagine dream and reality
Where are u come from..does not matter...where u want to go..its a matter...
 U need a booster, for some of you..changing a car is a booster...everybodys booster differs...
Booster...your income will grow higher and higher...
Your reality will control your productivity..


How do you bring your impian to become must practice PMA positive mental attitude...98% in the world are not positive bcoz average...blaming...chance of meeting 2% difficult because they are very busy...
Kena jaga sbb kalau x practise PMA you will catch their flu...mentally you will drop..

You become very positive about your dream...your belief...are not just belief,. Dream..only when u are positive your dream can become positive...they only highways to make your dream..think positive, thought positive...

change your must live in your dream..when u constantly live in your dream..
The journalist...first movie fail....very easy...i create a picture and i live inside the picture...
U got to live in your success picture...u got to create a perfect picture....your body will follow your reality...
It is your right to dream big...

Your health is connected to your dream...your dream you have to be superfit...its not your age...but your energy level...excitement in your life give you the energy?yes...
Reality and your dream must become ONE !

People wins jackpot...within 7years...they broke again, in their mind never saw themselves as rich...spending their reality..
You become exactly what your reality says sad if reality so low...

Nobody has the right to condemn you...except god...dont ever accept criticism or condemned u...except GOD..

Dont make anybody else more important than god...
Dont make anything important than your god...

I became rich at the age of 25 because i believe there is a god...u arw poor if you dont believe in god.

You cannot change your outside world until you change inside world.

it comes from inside.
Self confidence comes from your reality..your confidence comes from healthy reality..
Its your confidence really sells,..they dont want to ask...many people lacks of confidence...
This is your life,,,its up to you to make this life intersting,,,how do you do that..make calls..go out there and make things happening...

Zarif dan J-CHI (JUST-Caliph-HC-IWGoC) berkongsi kepakaran dan pengetahuan mengenai jualan pelaburan unit amanah, tetapi pengetahuan ini tanpa tindakan adalah seperti anda membeli ais krim dan tinggalkan ia begitu sahaja tanpa memakannya. Oleh itu, ia akan menjadi cair dan cair dan cair. Dan akhirnya habis. Ambil tindakan sekarang! Hubungi Zarif 019-3405447 atau jika ingin sertai seminar PERCUMA kami di Public Mutual Cheras di Level 2, Cheras Commercial Centre bersebelahan dengan Hotel Caliber dan Restoran Janbo

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Jangan buang masa hidup dalam kehidupan orang lain!

Kehidupan anda adalah sangat terhad, jadi tidak, membazir hidup sebagai seseorang yang lain. Stay hungry and stay foolish. Dream, discover dan masanya dah tiba untuk mengejar keghairahan anda.

Bila anda bangun pagi Isnin, dan anda berasa malas untuk pergi ke tempat kerja. Kemudian kita masing-masing sudah tahu, bahawa hakikatnya kita tidak suka kepada apa yang anda lakukan. Jika anda terus melakukannya sehingga umur 55 tahun, anda sebenarnya hidup sebagai seseorang yang lain.

Jika anda bangun pagi Isnin dan anda merasa stress tentang kesesakan lalulintas, saya tahu anda membenci jem. Sebenarnya anda hidup sebagai seseorang yang lain. Oleh itu, anda perlu mencari cara-cara untuk mengelakkannya.

Jika anda bangun pagi, anda tergesa-gesa untuk pergi ke masjid dan cepat kembali rumah untuk menghantar anak-anak ke sekolah dan terus cabut ke pejabat anda. Tetapi anda tidak sukakannya. Sebenarnya anda tahu anda hidup sebagai seseorang yang lain. Anda terfikir dan rasa mesti ada sesuatu yang lain yang boleh anda lakukan untuk memperbaiki kehidupan ini.

Adakah anda terfikir anda boleh merubahnya? Ya, anda pasti boleh.

Adakah anda berfikir anda boleh berbuat apa-apa supaya anda dapat memperbaiki kehidupan anda dan kehidupan keluarga anda? Ya, anda pasti boleh.

Adakah anda berfikir anda boleh membina laluan anda sendiri untuk mendapatkan limpah kurnia dari Allah? Ya, anda pasti boleh.

Dan sepekara lagi,

Untuk melihat bagaimana kita boleh membantu mengubah apa yang anda tidak suka dan lakukan apa yang anda suka SEKARANG! Klik Sini

Monday, April 2, 2012

Sejarah tercipta lagi - what's next?

Rich people dont save time, but they buy time.
Rich people value their time

If u want to be rich, then value your time, not flexible your time..
They dont mind spending their money, but not with time
U lose money u can earn back, but not money..
Poor people dont understand only one life,,,when you are 30 you cannot get 20.   U cannot go back,,time is precious..,look at your life, wallet, will tell u how u misused you time..
Quality of life is reflection how u use time in the past, if u use correctly..
Beza beggar and millionaire, the way they use the time, productively, spend hours doing nothing productive, then they wonder why they are poor bcoz managed time effectively.
How do you use your time?
The more u correct yourself...

Emotionally skills
1. Security
2. Comfort
3. Rich

Why people cannot bcoz mind has been set
In order for u to get sales, u want sales everyday, u can, u feeling must be very good.
If your feeling not very good
Top sales people, emotion are healthy, positive and very happy.
When u dont have that kind of feeling,
U must feel good about yourself,
Mcmana nak feel good kalau tak ada money...putting condition, if i have money i will feel good.
Two way of looking at it, when u dont feel good coz u dont have money, like Chinese, they work coz they dont like feeling dont have money, if u dont have money and later u condemned yourself, a lot of people goes into that category.

Insurance giving money, and most of time is failure, why is it failed! Person who get salary, their attitude towards work, they your sikap

People become rich coz they become more responsible. To become rich not qualification, but responsibility. For example, credit card, how many people are ready accept.
Success adalah RESPONSIBILITY.

Why Chinese so hardworking, coz their history, survivor...if dont work hard, they will die. Chinese in china slow? Communism. First think they ask...they only interested in break, coz communism.

Happiness, everyone want happiness, some money, some sex,  if u dont manage your emotion, no doubt how much money

The definition of happiness, lain dari seorang kepada org lain, i cannot decide for you.
What is my happiness? If u dont know your happiness for u, then only you can work for you..what motivates u..

Why German car in still in market, coz they never play with quality.
How important is quality for you...future..
Are you an agent of quality?
Can your customer tell you...

If u want to do well, want bring people, must feel good about yourself, product, business..
One best thing in unit trust, people dream comes true in long term, instead of putting. Money in stock market, risk factor is lower.
Lot of people s dream sending son, to overseas can become
U are not selling ut, but making people  dream comes true.
If you have dream, how to make money?
Do you have dream? Those earning salary, cannot send their kids to best university. We are not level yet compare to top university, if u are not businessman, u have to take loan,
U are sales if u are selling , i believe i am helping ,my customer to get what they want.
Why so many people cannot sell, because people will reject
If you show you helping them to get dream comes true...
Which salesman u like?
U must help your customer to buy...

Help people to become millionaire...
Workout a scheme, invest so much and u will become a millionaire.
Selling skills, makes people interested to buy, connect your product with people dream.
The more richer,more,dream, your job to make realize the dream.
U must qualify your prospect...
Finding prospect is a skills...

Goodman selling ASK... Dare to ask...kalau u takut nak tanya u will not get the business.
Dare task, is a skills that comes practice.
If u practice dare to ask for 10 peoples, 10 days ask 100
Difficulty...people think rejection than accept...always think about negative...
U dont enjoy bcoz u scared rejection, coz u have been brainwash!!!

Is actually belief of others, limited belief of others passed to you. They frightened u, en you wont do many people living like that? If you like something, u can afford, reason cannot afford, coz accepted other people opinion.
Worst word in family.... Cannot afford...if you want something,,,you can afford it...

Do it all out...dont give excuse..if u dont change friend around u, u got serious problem...friends will not be so important to make dream comes true.

Friends, if u can entertain them...will get friend...
What kind of friends you are having...spend money on them?
We think friend so important, but no use to us to make dreams come true.

We always want friends, people around, danger surround with wrong people.
Improve quality of friends are mixing...who are u mixing with? What kind of friends u spending time with?

A man without goal..time is meaningless
When u dont have a goal time management is meaningless
U dont have time management if u dont have a goal
Reason why we different from animal..coz we have goal.  Most animal just exist, when human dont have goal so they become like animal, so tht why people are poor, suddenly feel,tanggungjawab org lain utk buat dia better. Then story gone,,,u said to your brain, shut down.. perlu fikir lgi, sbb tu million of people are poor.

Salary earner cannot push themselves, boss will check, buat entrepreneur
We have to come out from dependency mentality...will become poor. When u dare to stand own your own,
Record women divorce, do better no longer dependency to husband.
U have the ability...

In the 21 century, when u have money...
Dont make your husband on your happiness
You is your happiness....
Happiness is about you...very important to take care of your happiness
Everybody has the right to be happy.
Mistake people make about happiness, depend on others to make them happy, happy is about you and your dream.
U only happy when u making progress towards goal in your life the result is very happy.
 As long as u keep keep running, in the process u excited...the process of progress
This process of progress make u happy.

To become rich, u must prepare to change your culture!
U want become rich, very careful how do u spend your people value yourtime.
Poor people do not. See wasting time
Rich people spend time productively?

98% of people will. Become poor after 55, stop salary, maintenance higher, older means poorer.

The older i grow the richer  i become...
The older i grow the healthier i become...
Grow older..happier...

I already plan...
Million of people does not have this plan...people already accepted..
If you dont work....then will become
What u choose to belief will become reality...

Flowchart on how to become agent

Commission Structure of Agents

Zarif dan J-CHI (JUST-Caliph-HC-IWGoC) berkongsi kepakaran dan pengetahuan mengenai jualan pelaburan unit amanah, menjalankan latihan mingguan, mesyuarat dan seminar untuk agensi unit amanah beliau di Cheras Public Mutual, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Beliau menjemput semua graduan muda dan tua untuk menyertai pasukan JCHI untuk membantu Malaysia untuk melabur dalam dana Unit Amanah Islamik SAHAJA.. Ambil tindakan sekarang! Hubungi Zarif 019-3405447 atau jika ingin sertai seminar PERCUMA kami setiap SABTU jam 11am di Public Mutual Cheras di Level 2, Cheras Commercial Centre bersebelahan dengan Hotel Caliber dan Restoran Janbo

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Kesan Penangguhan (Cost of Procrastination) dalam konteks pelaburan unit amanah

Apabila you'ol terlibat dalam pelaburan, masa dan wang adalah aset you'ol. Kedua-dua aset memainkan peranan yang penting dalam menentukan pulangan mutlak you'ol . Ramai orang suka mengira-gira timing pasaran dan kebanyakan mereka gagal untuk memasukkan pada masa yang tepat. you'ol harus faham okeh! masa dan jumlah wang yang diperlukan adalah berkadar songsang (time values money).

Maksudnya kat disini, jika you'ol ingin mempunyai RM 1 juta pada umur 55 tahun dan ingin melabur sejumlah wang. Lebih awal you'ol mulakan untuk melabur, maka hanya jumlah yang sedikit diperlukan. Namun begitu, sekiranya lebih lewat you'ol mulakan pelaburan maka lebih tinggi jumlah pelaburan yang diperlukan bagi mencapai amaun yang disasarkan.

Oleh itu, adalah penting bagi pelabur yang mahu mengumpul kekayaan untuk memulakan pelaburan seawal mungkin. you'ol memang tak boleh melihat perbezaan yang besar dalam tempoh terdekat tetapi disebabkan oleh kesan kompaun (compounding) dalam tempoh jangka panjang, kadar pulangan membentuk perbezaan yang besar.

Mungkin you'ol mencari masa yang sesuai untuk memulakan pelaburan atau nak jadi agen. Satu-satunya masa yang sesuai "untuk memulakan pelaburan HARI INI. Menangguhkan pelaburan dengan pelbagai alasan hanya akan meningkatkan kos pada jangka masa panjang.

Nota ; Mohd Zarif sentiasa membuka ruang bagi sesiapa sahaja yang ingin keluar dari kepompong kehidupannya kini dan terbang bebas dalam mengejar kekayaan, mengejar impian dan mengejar cita-cita. KLIK SINI

Monday, January 23, 2012

Jangan buang masa hidup dalam kehidupan orang lain!

Kehidupan anda adalah sangat terhad, jadi tidak, membazir hidup sebagai seseorang yang lain. Stay hungry and stay foolish. Dream, discover dan masanya dah tiba untuk mengejar keghairahan anda.

Bila anda bangun pagi Isnin, dan anda berasa malas untuk pergi ke tempat kerja. Kemudian kita masing-masing sudah tahu, bahawa hakikatnya kita tidak suka kepada apa yang anda lakukan. Jika anda terus melakukannya sehingga umur 55 tahun, anda sebenarnya hidup sebagai seseorang yang lain.

Jika anda bangun pagi Isnin dan anda merasa stress tentang kesesakan lalulintas, saya tahu anda membenci jem. Sebenarnya anda hidup sebagai seseorang yang lain. Oleh itu, anda perlu mencari cara-cara untuk mengelakkannya.

Jika anda bangun pagi, anda tergesa-gesa untuk pergi ke masjid dan cepat kembali rumah untuk menghantar anak-anak ke sekolah dan terus cabut ke pejabat anda. Tetapi anda tidak sukakannya. Sebenarnya anda tahu anda hidup sebagai seseorang yang lain. Anda terfikir dan rasa mesti ada sesuatu yang lain yang boleh anda lakukan untuk memperbaiki kehidupan ini.

Adakah anda terfikir anda boleh merubahnya? Ya, anda pasti boleh.

Adakah anda berfikir anda boleh berbuat apa-apa supaya anda dapat memperbaiki kehidupan anda dan kehidupan keluarga anda? Ya, anda pasti boleh.

Adakah anda berfikir anda boleh membina laluan anda sendiri untuk mendapatkan limpah kurnia dari Allah? Ya, anda pasti boleh.

Dan sepekara lagi,

Untuk melihat bagaimana kita boleh membantu mengubah apa yang anda tidak suka dan lakukan apa yang anda suka SEKARANG! Klik Sini

Testimoni Pulangan Pelaburan & Cara untuk membaca summary report CAMS

Assalamualaikum dan Salam Ceria,

Pernah tak saudara-saudari bertanya pada diri sendiri, "bila sebenarnya saya nak mula rancang kewangan saya?"

Adakah jawapan ini?

“malaslah…”, “nantilah…”, “banyak lagi nak guna untuk duit ni…”, ataupun “duit tak cukup lagi macam mana nak menyimpan..”,

Saudara-saudari, percayalah, sampai bila-bila pun kita tak akan rancang kewangan kita kalau ada alasan sebegitu.

Setiap hari kita guna wang. Tapi adakah setiap hari kita rancang setiap barang yang kita nak beli tu? Atau main beli je?

Adakah saudara-saudari susun perbelanjaan anda mengikut keperluan? Sekiranya tidak atau belum lagi berbuat demikian, kini tiba masanya untuk saudara-saudari belajar merancang kewangan dan uruskannya dengan bijak.

Kenapa perlu merancang kewangan? saya akan cerita dua sebab utama.

(1) Untuk melawan kadar INFLASI.

Sedar atau tidak bahawa kadar inflasi pada masa sekarang jauh lebih tinggi berbanding 10 tahun dahulu. Kalau kita tengok 10 tahun dulu kadar inflasi 0%.

Tetapi sekarang meningkat kepada 3% hingga ke 3.5%. Ini menunjukkan sebagai pengguna, kita semakin rugi kerana kita semakin hilang kuasa membeli kita berbanding 10 tahun dahulu.

Cuba fikir balik, pada zaman 1970-an, RM1.00 kita mampu beli 4 cawan kopi. Lihat pula sekarang, RM1.00 kita mampu beli separuh cawan saja kopi tadi.

Sedangkan pakar ekonomi bimbang dengan kadar inflasi ni, takkan kita tak bimbang?

2) Untuk pastikan pendapatan yang cukup semasa kita perlukannya.

Saudara-saudari perlu rancang kewangan bukan setakat untuk bulan-bulan terdekat sahaja. Tetapi untuk jangka masa 3, 5, atau 10 tahun akan datang.

Contoh mudah, ibu bapa yang mempunyai anak-anak yang akan melanjutkan pelajaran mereka ke tahap yang lebih tinggi akan memerlukan perbelanjaan yang lebih tinggi.

Takkan kita nak harap anak-anak kita buat pinjaman (loan) semata-mata. Kita sebagai ibu bapa kena fikir untuk kurangkan bebanan hutang tersebut.

Ok, setakat ini dulu kali ini. Dalam post yang seterusnya, saya akan kongsikan dua lagi sebab kenapa saudara-saudari perlu merancang kewangan.

Saya harap saudara-saudari telah membuat perancangan kewangan yang rapi samada dengan melaburkan simpanan KWSP/ EPF atau cash ke mana-mana dana yang member pulangan yang tinggi daripada simpanan tetap biasa.

Dalam video dibawah saya sertakan testimoni daripada database client saya yang telah invest sejak 1998 dan cara nak baca summary report, kalau anda tengok client ni labur dalam P Ittikal dan lebih kurang 40K dan selepas 13 tahun mendapat pulangan sebanyak 175% bersamaan

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Market watch

Malaysia's CPI inflation slowed to 3% YoY in December from 3.3% YoY in November. Irvin Seah, Economist at DBS Bank in Singapore talked about...

- inflation, likely average 2.6% for 2012, from 3.2% in 2011

- slow growth momentum for Malaysia, expects full year growth to come in below 5%

- Ringgit weakness more likely

- Bank Negara's policy rate, room for BNM to cut OPR by 50 basis points in 1H2012.

for more info please listen here

market up or market down?bila bagus nak invest?

Chinese new year dah dekat, election pula dah ada ura-ura nak berlangsung bulan 3 atau bulan 4. camne ek? nak repurchase ke atau nak switch? ini dialog biasa kita dengan samada dari mulut rakan pelabur atau rakan perunding unit trust

terus terang..i believe tak perlu bimbang tuan-tuan, di atas ni saya sertakan satu contoh client yang baru invest 5 tahun dalam PIEF dan beliau cuma invest 2 kali je. pastu biar. tiap2 tahun dapat dividen. result ni saya amik masa market tengah terumbang ambing sekitar bulan november selepas krisis hutang eropah yang semakin meruncing. namun waktu market down kalau anda lihat harga belian lebih tinggi dari harga terkini - dari segi logik pelabur ni rugi. tapi mcm kita selalu ingatkan para pelabur unit trust ni medium to long term. so selepas 2 kali pengeluaran dan 5 tahun total return 51.19% bersamaan lebih kurang 10% setiap tahun! itu nampaknya lebih dua kali ganda daripada return EPF kan? so selepas melihat ni anda boleh buat keputusan - samada nak biarkan duit EPF tu terus dalam EPF atau anda harus laburkan semaksimum mungkin. Saya besedia bersemuka dengan anda untuk berdiskusi peluang anda memaksimumkan dana persaraaan anda sila pukul talipon 019-340 5447.