Rich people dont save time, but they buy time.
Rich people value their time
If u want to be rich, then value your time, not flexible your time..
They dont mind spending their money, but not with time
U lose money u can earn back, but not money..
Poor people dont understand only one life,,,when you are 30 you cannot get 20. U cannot go back,,time is precious..,look at your life, wallet, will tell u how u misused you time..
Quality of life is reflection how u use time in the past, if u use correctly..
Beza beggar and millionaire, the way they use the time, productively, spend hours doing nothing productive, then they wonder why they are poor bcoz managed time effectively.
How do you use your time?
The more u correct yourself...
Emotionally skills
1. Security
2. Comfort
3. Rich
Why people cannot bcoz mind has been set
In order for u to get sales, u want sales everyday, u can, u
feeling must be very good.
If your feeling not very good
Top sales people, emotion are healthy, positive and very
When u dont have that kind of feeling,
U must feel good about yourself,
Mcmana nak feel good kalau tak ada money...putting
condition, if i have money i will feel good.
Two way of looking at it, when u dont feel good coz u dont
have money, like Chinese, they work coz they dont like feeling dont have money,
if u dont have money and later u condemned yourself, a lot of people goes into
that category.
Insurance giving money, and most of time is failure, why is
it failed! Person who get salary, their attitude towards work, they your sikap
People become rich coz they become more responsible. To
become rich not qualification, but responsibility. For example, credit card,
how many people are ready accept.
Success adalah RESPONSIBILITY.
Why Chinese so hardworking, coz their history, survivor...if
dont work hard, they will die. Chinese in china slow? Communism. First think
they ask...they only interested in break, coz communism.
Happiness, everyone want happiness, some money, some
sex, if u dont manage your emotion, no
doubt how much money
The definition of happiness, lain dari seorang kepada org
lain, i cannot decide for you.
What is my happiness? If u dont know your happiness for u,
then only you can work for you..what motivates u..
Why German car in still in market, coz they never play with
How important is quality for you...future..
Are you an agent of quality?
Can your customer tell you...
If u want to do well, want bring people, must feel good
about yourself, product, business..
One best thing in unit trust, people dream comes true in
long term, instead of putting. Money in stock market, risk factor is lower.
Lot of people s dream sending son, to overseas can become
U are not selling ut, but making people dream comes true.
If you have dream, how to make money?
Do you have dream? Those earning salary, cannot send their
kids to best university. We are not level yet compare to top university, if u
are not businessman, u have to take loan,
U are sales if u are selling , i believe i am helping ,my
customer to get what they want.
Why so many people cannot sell, because people will reject
If you show you helping them to get dream comes true...
Which salesman u like?
U must help your customer to buy...
Help people to become millionaire...
Workout a scheme, invest so much and u will become a
Selling skills, makes people interested to buy, connect your
product with people dream.
The more richer,more,dream, your job to make realize the
U must qualify your prospect...
Finding prospect is a skills...
Goodman selling ASK... Dare to ask...kalau u takut nak tanya
u will not get the business.
Dare task, is a skills that comes practice.
If u practice dare to ask for 10 peoples, 10 days ask 100
Difficulty...people think rejection than accept...always
think about negative...
U dont enjoy bcoz u scared rejection, coz u have been
Is actually belief of others, limited belief of others
passed to you. They frightened u, en you wont do many people living like
that? If you like something, u can afford, reason cannot afford, coz accepted
other people opinion.
Worst word in family.... Cannot afford...if you want
something,,,you can afford it...
Do it all out...dont give excuse..if u dont change friend
around u, u got serious problem...friends will not be so important to make
dream comes true.
Friends, if u can entertain them...will get friend...
What kind of friends you are having...spend money on them?
We think friend so important, but no use to us to make
dreams come true.
We always want friends, people around, danger surround with
wrong people.
Improve quality of friends are mixing...who are u mixing
with? What kind of friends u spending time with?
A man without goal..time is meaningless
When u dont have a goal time management is meaningless
U dont have time management if u dont have a goal
Reason why we different from animal..coz we have goal. Most animal just exist, when human dont have
goal so they become like animal, so tht why people are poor, suddenly
feel,tanggungjawab org lain utk buat dia better. Then story gone,,,u said to
your brain, shut down.. perlu fikir lgi, sbb tu million of people are poor.
Salary earner cannot push themselves, boss will check, buat entrepreneur
We have to come out from dependency mentality...will become
poor. When u dare to stand own your own,
Record women divorce, do better no longer dependency to
U have the ability...
In the 21 century, when u have money...
Dont make your husband on your happiness
You is your happiness....
Happiness is about you...very important to take care of your
Everybody has the right to be happy.
Mistake people make about happiness, depend on others to
make them happy, happy is about you and your dream.
U only happy when u making progress towards goal in your
life the result is very happy.
As long as u keep keep running, in the process u excited...the process of
This process of progress make u happy.
To become rich, u must prepare to change your culture!
U want become rich, very careful how do u spend your people value yourtime.
Poor people do not. See wasting time
Rich people spend time productively?
98% of people will. Become poor after 55, stop salary,
maintenance higher, older means poorer.
The older i grow the richer
i become...
The older i grow the healthier i become...
Grow older..happier...
I already plan...
Million of people does not have this plan...people already
If you dont work....then will become
What u choose to belief will become reality...
Flowchart on how to become agent
Commission Structure of Agents
Zarif dan J-CHI (JUST-Caliph-HC-IWGoC) berkongsi kepakaran dan pengetahuan mengenai jualan pelaburan unit amanah, menjalankan latihan mingguan, mesyuarat dan seminar untuk agensi unit amanah beliau di Cheras Public Mutual, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Beliau menjemput semua graduan muda dan tua untuk menyertai pasukan JCHI untuk membantu Malaysia untuk melabur dalam dana Unit Amanah Islamik SAHAJA.. Ambil tindakan sekarang! Hubungi Zarif 019-3405447 atau jika ingin sertai seminar PERCUMA kami setiap SABTU jam 11am di Public Mutual Cheras di Level 2, Cheras Commercial Centre bersebelahan dengan Hotel Caliber dan Restoran Janbo